Tuesday, April 23, 2013

king creosote: legless again (almost)…

The last time I saw King Creosote (+Jon Hopkins) perform was last May in the tiny library on Iona. It was a memorable “gig” – for the general hilarity, if not the precise musical accomplishment (they’d been drinking triple G+Ts in the Argyll Hotel all afternoon!). I went to see/hear him again last night at Colston Hall and he was almost legless again – this time, he walked on stage on crutches (he’d broken his ankle)!
Anyway, last night’s concert was absolutely excellent. I just love his voice and his (often) melancholic and lyrical song-writing… and he’s also very funny.
A full house and a great evening.
PS: he wasn’t “legless” at the Iona concert – just “very merry”… but, when I chatted to him last night, he admitted they’d got into a “bit of trouble” (with the hotel?) as a result!
PPS: last night he was drinking water…

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