Sunday, December 02, 2012


Really lovely to get together with my brilliant brother Alan (and his wife, Lesley, and one their daughters, Megan!) on Friday night… a chance to catch-up, share stories and generally put the world to right (oh, and to consume a lot of red wine!). A huge added bonus was being able to meet up with the rest of the Bristol-based based clan (Ruth+Stu+Iris+Rosa+Hannah+Felix+Ursula) for an excellent breakfast at Bordeaux Quay.
VERY good times.
Photo: breakfast at Bordeaux Quay - left-to-right: Stu, Iris, Lesley, Ruth, Rosa, Megan, Alan, Moira, Hannah+Felix (after a brief starring role, Ursa had opted for a nap).
PS: Very mindful of those family members who were NOT with us (Megan’s twin sister, Eleanor, and the Leyland clan Alice+Dave+Mikey+Dan+Jemima)… but who were there in spirit! x

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