Monday, November 19, 2012

weekends with friends

I love living in the city (well, I love living in Bristol). I love it that I can be walking along the harbourside within ten minutes of leaving our front door. I love the buzz, activity, culture and art of the city.
I could never live in the “country” and, although there are times I yearn for a life overlooking the sea, I know that, in reality, I would always be pulled back to the city.
However, Moira+I have just spent one of those magical weekends in the country (and within a 20 minute drive of the sea) with our great friends Jez+Mags in Devon – where the sun shone brilliantly, where easy conversations continued as if we saw each other every day, where the scenery was stunning (waking up to the sun casting its rays across open fields) and where food+drink seemed inexhaustible!
An extra bonus was getting together with more very special friends(!), Gail+Ian, for Sunday lunch.
Times for celebration.
Photo: Ian, Gail, Mags, Moira+Jez sunning themselves outside the Crabshell Inn, Kingsbridge.
PS: Over the past two weekends, Moira and I have been well and truly spoiled – last Saturday, we met up for lunch with yet more lovelies: Gail+Ian (again!), Ken+Debby and Diane+Steve at Le Muset in Clifton, Bristol.

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