Friday, November 02, 2012

paper cinema: the odyssey

“Just saw that the Paper Cinema are in Bristol this week. You should definitely go catch them if you can, they are brilliant...”.
This was the simple message I received yesterday from my amazing great mate/art and music guru/mentor/encourager Si Smith.
On the basis that, from my viewpoint, Si has NEVER been wrong over very many years (eg. on music alone: Juliet Turner, Bill Wells+Aidan Moffat, John Martyn, Dakota Suite, Bon Iver, Luke Leighfield, Jose Vanders, Lobelia and, of course Guy Garvey on Radio6 plus Elbow… to name just a few!), Moira managed to buy tickets for tonight at the Tobacco Factory Theatre (we were really lucky it was another full house – they’re only in Bristol for three days… tomorrow is the last night).
This is from their website: "The Paper Cinema perform a unique form of live animation and music. Founded in 2004 by Nicholas Rawling, with Imogen Charleston and Christopher Reed, they tour bespoke pieces around Britain and internationally. The company devised this original form of puppetry, which uses the language of animation, music, film and theatre to lead the viewer through a variety of stories. Intricate pen and ink illustrations are
manipulated in real-time in front of a live video camera and projected onto the big screen alongside the performed music, which is integral to the work".
Art, theatre, music, choreography… tonight’s enthusiastic audience were completely entranced, mesmerised and captivated and no doubt, like us, can’t wait to tell their friends about this amazing company.
If you’re in Bristol tomorrow (Saturday), I would urge you to try and get tickets (but I suspect it’s already a sell-out); if you live anywhere near the following places: Eastleigh, Halifax, Caernarfon, Salisbury, Coventry, Brighton, Colchester, Lancaster or Manchester (from now until the end of November), I suggest you do your utmost to catch a performance.
A simply magical, live performance of sheer delight.   
PS: Thank you SO much Si!

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