Wednesday, October 31, 2012

one day like this… 50 days on

Well, it’s been 50 days since I started my “one day like this” blog (setting myself a challenge to posting a daily drawing or painting or photograph) and I’m pleased to say that, thus far, I HAVE managed to post every day.
Rather as predicted, paintings are definitely something of a rarity (just one bit of watercolour wash on one of my drawings to date!) but I have at least been able to match the number of photographs and drawings  – which is rather better than I’d imagined at the outset.
The drawing quality has been somewhat variable (at best), but I’ve been quite pleased to have been able to produce the sketches relatively quickly – the average time for each sketch has probably been 20-30 minutes. 
I’ve also enjoyed the discipline the daily blog post has provided and the fact that I’m actually drawing on a regular basis.
I haven’t set myself any end date for the “challenge” and will just see how things develop (or not) over the coming weeks/months.
PS: but it’s costing me quite a lot in terms of sketchbooks!

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