Thursday, September 27, 2012

old school song (oh good grief!)

Inexplicitly, a couple of days ago, the words of my old school song (Handsworth Grammar, Birmingham) suddenly came into my head! It must be some 45 years since I last heard it.
I think we used to have to sing the school song at the end of each term and, perhaps a little worryingly, I can still recall most of the words… and the tune!
The entire school was “made” to sing the song (the words were absolutely hilarious back then, so what today’s pupils would make of them is best left to the imagination - it seems that they had “public school illusions”!). This was painfully embarrassing for all concerned and, of course, the older boys (me included, obviously) put their own words to the chorus – much to the absolute fury of the headmaster! People were duly caned if detected… (not me, of course!).
This is the “proper” chorus:
It’s a goal to the School, Hurrah! Hurrah! It’s a goal to the School, Hurrah!
Scored by each man fulfilling God’s plan,
Three cheers for the School,
Three cheers for the School,
Three cheers for the School.
But, of course, every time the word “hurrah”(!) was sung, we used to add “sole” on to the end to make “arsehole” and, somewhat predictably, “three cheers” became “free beers” (talk about schoolboy humour - oh how we laughed!)!
Not quite sure why I feel the need to share all this, but hey!
Photo: Handsworth Grammar School (taken in 1966).
PS: I’ve just checked out the school’s website and discovered that they’ve been celebrating its 150th anniversary this year (I can remember the century celebrations of 1962!).
PPS: They don’t write school songs like this these days… here are the first two verses (there were FIVE in all!):
“To the old Bridge Trust we sing this song,
To the Staffordshire knot as we pass along,
The Black and Gold in an endless throng,
The sons of the school go FORWARD.
It’s a goal to the School….
Let us stand on the Bridge and stretch a hand,
One to the School and one to our Land,
For both we love, for both we stand;
And make the password FORWARD.
It’s a goal to the School….”

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