Friday, August 17, 2012

360 (film)

Gareth, Alan, Moira+I went to see Fernando Meirelles’s film “360” (with screenplay by Peter Morgan of The Queen and Frost/Nixon fame) at the Watershed yesterday afternoon. The Watershed blurb described it as a “dynamic and moving study of love and relationships linking characters across cities (London, Vienna, Bratislava, Paris, Rio, Phoenix and Denver), oceans and languages… it explores how sexual relationships in the 21st century can transgress social boundaries”. It featured a multi-talented cast which included Anthony Hopkins (who WAS wonderful), Rachel Weisz and Jude Law. Gareth, Alan and Moira enjoyed it but, I’m afraid, I found it a VERY disappointing film!
The film essentially tries to tell something like ten interconnected stories in which the characters struggle to choose between what they think they should do and what their desires/passion want them to do… or, as the quote that frames the film says: “if you see a fork in the road, take it”.
Frankly, there were just too many situations in the film where I found myself laughing in disbelief at what I felt were implausible/unconvincing plot scenarios (I won’t spoil the film for you by listing these!).
Sorry, but I found it all pretty dreadful!
PS: After writing the above, I checked out the film review in the Guardian (by Peter Bradshaw) and was relieved to find that he’d given it a one star review (out of five)… so I feel duly vindicated!!

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