Friday, July 27, 2012

the crying games

The long wait is over.
London 2012 has finally arrived.
In a few hours time, the opening ceremony will be upon us and, hopefully (by the time it’s over), we’ll all be feeling pretty good about ourselves (if you’re British!). If, on the other hand, you happen to be one of those people who will be moaning about the money being spent on the event or who are still feeling aggrieved because they were completely overlooked (without ANY justification whatsoever, obviously) when it came to carrying the Olympic torch, then it’s probably best you don’t bother to read on…
This is going to sound pretty pathetic but I know, on the basis of past experience, that there WILL be times over the next fortnight or so, when I’ll be sat in front of the television with tears running down my cheeks (to Moira's disbelief)! Yes, despite all signs to the contrary, I'm quite an emotional bloke (soft?) and can, for example, always be relied upon to cry every time I watch “The Railway Children” – especially the bit when Jenny Agutter exclaims “Daddy, my Daddy”!
But sport?
When and why?
This is somewhat difficult to predict, but it MIGHT occur in any of the following situations:
1.       When someone who is “expected” to win a gold medal - but has a history of not-quite-doing-so in the past - actually DOES (eg. Katherine Grainger, rower, three times Olympic silver medalist?).
2.       When someone who is “expected” to win a (particular) medal, doesn’t.
3.       When someone who isn’t “expected” to win a medal, does.
4.       When after four years of training all focussed on these Olympics (or whatever), breaks down with an injury (eg. Derek Redman, 400m runner, tore his hamstring in the semi-finals but, with the help of his father, completed the lap to a standing ovation).
5.       When someone far exceeds everyone else’s expectations.
6.       When television directors ensure that heartstrings are pulled by playing a particular piece of evocative music as a backdrop to some clip of deserving action.
7.       Who knows, it might even be the opening ceremony?
Perhaps it’s something to do with my own competitive nature when it comes to sport… which makes me “feel” the joy or the pain too? Maybe it’s because I envy the fact that THEY are participating and I never got even close to doing so (slight understatement!!)?
So, I just want to apologise in advance for any blubbing over the coming days. I’ll be as right as rain again in three weeks time, I promise.
I WON’T be keeping a tally...
Let the (crying) Games begin!

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