Tuesday, May 08, 2012

steve's little iona project

Well, I've actually made a start on my "Little Iona Project"!
This involves producing and sending out 40 postcards to family and friends over the course of the next 7 weeks or so. I'm intending that these postacrds take the form of quick drawings (or perhaps pieces of text) - I've set myself 15 minute "deadlines" to complete them which, for those who know my labourious drawing technique, will provide me with a very real test! I've already emphasised to people that they shouldn't expect very much in terms of quality (I'm not competing with Hockney!). 
Four down and only 36 to go!


  1. ooh, can't wait. they look great steve...
    am enjoying your blogging from up there... very inspiring :-)

  2. I can't wait for mine! But what if I like it so much I refuse to hand it back?
