Thursday, May 31, 2012

small world...

Some of this week’s guests at the Iona Community are a group of people discussing the on-going Israeli occupation of Palestinian land/siege of Gaza. Garth Hewitt (singer, songwriter, writer and political activist in support of “justice and peace for forgotten communities”) played a powerful concert in the Abbey church last night. He’s been addressing the Palestinian situation for over 20 years.
Knowing that Garth and his wife Gill were coming to Iona, my great friend Si Smith had asked Gill to look out for me (he knows her from Greenbelt) – so we had a good chat after yesterday’s supper. Their son Thomas had established Umthombo in South Africa over the past 15 years (one of the Amos Trust projects), focusing on the plight of the street children. Our lovely friend Wilf, from Bristol, had been involved in producing a brilliant Umthombo book – and, of course, Gill knew him well (I’d also done a little work for the charity at Greenbelt etc some three years ago and promoted it in some school assemblies).
It's a small world…
Photo: a rather “atmospheric” (ie. poor quality!) pic of Garth performing in the Abbey church (click on image to enlarge).

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