Wednesday, December 21, 2011

cinderella at the tobacco factory theatre

We used to have a family tradition of going to the cinema most Christmases. It probably didn’t happen every year but that’s how it now feels looking back. Since moving to Bristol, going to the Tobacco Factory Theatre at this time of year has DEFINITELY become the “new tradition” for Moira and me. We went along tonight to watch “Cinderella” – featuring the amazing “Travelling Light” theatre company (the same creative team behind “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” from a couple of Christmases ago and the Bristol Old Vic’s “Treasure Island” performed this summer).
It proved to be another wonderful evening. I’m conscious that I frequently end up describing our theatre trips as “magical” experiences and praising “live theatre” to the hilt – but, frankly for me, that’s exactly what it is. The all-age audience was simply charmed and totally engaged by the production – wonderful performances by each of the five actors, great music and lighting and beautifully designed in every detail. Stunning use of imagination, space and general creativity plus lots of laughter, fun, colour and pure enjoyment.
A superb start to the Christmas holidays!
PS: This was also a pretty “dark” version of the tale – birds in lieu of a fairy godmother and toes being hacked off with a cleaver!
PPS: Ruth+Stu took Iris to see the performance last week (Iris was completely captivated by it) and Hannah+Felix went to see it last Saturday (just a few hours before Ursula was born!). They, like Moira+I, ALL had a brilliant time.

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