Friday, November 18, 2011

finding familiar faces...

I was searching through biscuit tins, old shoe boxes and on book shelves the other day in an effort to track down a particular ancient family photograph. It was an image, taken in a small back garden, of my grandparents’ wedding day (Fred and Rose Broadway)… I wasn’t there myself! It was evocative for a number of reasons but, in particular, because of distinct similarities between my father, Ron, and his own father, Fred. Needless to say, I didn’t find it – it’ll no doubt re-appear when I stop searching for it!
However, what I DID find was drawing I’d done of Moira in Easter 1972 (some 9 months before we were married), together with one of my all-time favourite postcard pictures – “Hat Trick with Freesia” by David Remfrey – which has always reminded me of Moira.

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