Friday, October 28, 2011

sunrise at glastonbury

I had an inkling that it was going to be a bright, but misty, morning first thing and, when I awoke and peered through the curtains (it was still very dark!), it gave every impression that that was indeed going to be case. So I jumped in the car and headed for the Somerset Levels (as you do). En route - having established that it WAS going to be a beautiful “bright, but misty, morning” – I decided to drive on to Glastonbury. I’m really pleased I did because it was absolutely stunning. Once I’d climbed up the Tor (just as the sun was rising), there were the most amazing views across the Levels – which were completely shrouded in low cotton-wool clouds. Perhaps not surprisingly, there were just three other people on the Tor…. we just smiled at each other and acknowledged that we’d been privileged to be there.
Simply magical.
Photo: as you will note, one of the other people on the Tor was a “proper” photographer!!
PS: you can see some of my photographs by clicking
here (not compulsory!).

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