Sunday, July 17, 2011

murdoch mayhem....

People are saying that things will never be the same again.
In the past 10 days or so, there seems to have been something of a revolution. Rebekah Brooks has resigned as Chief Executive of News International (and I’ve just heard that she’s actually been arrested!); Rupert Murdoch has issued a full apology; News Corp have withdrawn their BSkyB takeover bid; politicians have apparently lost their fear of News Corp and found their voices; Milliband has called for new media ownership rules to limit Rupert Murdoch's "dangerous" and "unhealthy" concentration of power and, all of a sudden, the world seems to be a better place. It wasn’t too long ago that the likes of Murdoch and Brooks seemed to be issuing instructions via their editorial columns to the country’s politicians.
The trouble is…. I can’t help feeling that, in a few months’ time, either much of this will be long forgotten or the likes of The Daily Mail will be seeking to take advantage. I just hope that the Commons Culture, Media+Sports Committee prove to be effective interrogators when they grill Rebekah Brooks, Rupert and James Murdoch on Tuesday – and provide an effective warning for any future media bullies.

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