Sunday, March 13, 2011

moira's birthday

I was feeling very guilty that I hadn’t laid on lots of special things for Moira’s birthday.
We’d bought her present together the previous weekend and, with a full-on week, I hadn’t found time to buy any extra small gifts. Pretty pathetic really! Fortunately, it turned out to be a good day.
Ruth+Stu had already arranged a birthday supper (and with Hannah+Fee along too)…. and that proved to be a lovely evening. In addition, we’d already decided to go down to Kingsbridge for the day to see the Stillpoint art exhibition - organised by the wonderful Ian Adams(!) – which was pretty impressive overall and a lovely venue. Knowing that we were going down to the exhibition, our very good friends Mags+Jez (who live just outside Kingsbridge – and Mags was also one of the exhibiting artists) contacted us on Friday evening and invited us down to breakfast. So, we got up early and drove down to Devon for a delicious cooked breakfast, then spent a couple of hours at the gallery before driving home (stopping for a light lunch in beautiful Totnes, as you do!).
All in all, a lovely day.
PS: it rather reminded me of us driving down to St Ives for breakfast the day after I’d retired from Brocklehurst Architects (and then driving home to Bristol!).
Photo: Stillpoint exhibition at Harbour House Gallery, Kingsbridge (listening to one of the “artist talks”).

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