Thursday, August 05, 2010

bus passes+discounts

With Mr Magnet in full flow in the kitchen this week (we're replacing the kitchen units), Moira+I decided it was probably best to spend a fair amount of time out of the house… away from it all. In the event, we’ve had three very good days. Tuesday we drove to Salisbury and spent time in the cathedral and in the National Trust’s Mompesson House (situated in the cathedral close). We contemplated driving into the city, but ended up parking+riding and were very glad we did – not only did our bus passes mean free travel, but also free parking (AND the bus people were very nice to us too!); we also had a complimentary cream tea courtesy of the National Trust! Yesterday, we went to Clevedon – which is only a 20 minute drive from home (and got “old age” discount to get on to the pier) before driving back to the NT’s Tyntesfield. Today, we visited the American Museum at Claverton Manor, near Bath – travelling on the train to Bath (with a cost reduction for both of us, due to Moira’s “hard of hearing” concession and then, obviously, free bus travel to Claverton Manor – where we obtained another “old age” discount to see the exhibits).
Old age definitely has SOME advantages!
Photo: A picture of Moira and me together (this is a fairly rare event!) – actually, it’s only our shadows in the sea from Clevedon pier.


  1. alan broadway8:22 am

    yes, whilst i'm MUCH younger than you (well 4.5 years), i'm supposed to be part of the baby-boomer generation also ("never had it so good...") but now find, to pay the bankers their bonuses, that not only do i not get my state pension until i'm 66 (and i need it to supplement my 'work' pension) but also i don't get my bus pass until i'm 64.5 years old (and lesley has to wait until 65). i'm 'gutted'...and now an even grumpier old man!

  2. ALAN: that's really horrible... very sad for both of you.
    I have to say that I'm just keeping my fingers crossed about ours (and the winter fuel payment!!) - I have a sneaking feeling it may be withdrawn over the next 12 months or so. The "over 60" concessions really do make a difference - I got into the Hockney exhibition at the RWA today for half price (£2.50) and I get a reduced rate everytime I go to the Watershed cinema (£5.50 instead of £7 after 5pm and £3.50 instead of £4.50 before 5pm)... also discounts at the Zoo and the Blue Reef Aquarium.
    PS: on a happier note, I've just bought Rachel Unthank's "The Bairns" CD from Fopp for £5 (think you had highlighted her in months gone by) - really lovely.
