Thursday, July 22, 2010

sainsbury’s megastore at ashton gate?

Last night the Bristol Planning Committee considered the planning application for the Sainsbury’s proposed megastore at Ashton Gate. It seemed all very depressing – especially as the City Planners had recommended approval. A number of us demonstrated outside the Council Offices on College Green. Lots of people had devoted an awful lot of time putting together detailed submissions arguing the case against the proposals. A number of people from the local community were prepared to speak at the planning committee meeting.
Amazingly, according to lovely friend Gareth (who spoke at the meeting), the application was rejected by 4 votes to 2 (with two abstentions).
It’s very unlikely that we’ve heard the last from Sainsbury’s and they’ll no doubt wheel in their big legal team and appeal against the decision to the Secretary of State… but, for the moment at least, let’s celebrate this stunning victory for the local community against the big guys!
Photo: at yesterday’s demonstration on College Green, these youngsters decided to form a guard of honour for each of the campaigners entering the building to plead the case for the local community (a very nice, spontaneous touch).

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