Monday, May 31, 2010


Moira, Hannah and I went to see an extraordinary piece of theatre last night at Green Park Station in Bath (no longer a station, now part-bistro bar/part-car park/part-retail space/part-offices/part-weekend market/part-empty space). Kilter Theatre had been commissioned to create a small-scale theatrical project to “animate” the station – a rather elegant 1860s glass-roofed, iron-framed vaulted structure.
The performance (by two impressive actors) took the form of a simple piece of story-telling – based on half-remembered histories and nostalgic memories. Crucially, it utilised the entire station area in a promenade performance. Members of the audience had to purchase tickets from the ticket office (of course!) and, from that moment, the performance began… “mind your backs, please keep the gangways clear” followed by tongue-in-cheek station announcements over the mini-tannoy (much to the confusion of various members of the public who were meandering through the station at the time!). Three of the audience (including Hannah and me!) even made it down into the amazing vaulted “crypt” below the platforms.
Funny and poignant at the same time… “as many stories as people, all hurtling along at full speed to an unknown destination”.
PS: When we first arrived, dancers were just packing up after an impromptu performance(?); a couple of girls then used the platform area as a badminton court and, as the show finished, a couple of skateboarders started their own performance – only to be replaced by an impressive group of young break-dancers and their music. Animated, if rather neglected, space indeed.
Photo: mid-performance in the heart of the old station.

1 comment:

  1. Last week Electric Hotel at the harbourside. This week Passengers at Green Park Station. What culture vultures you've become!

    Being a great lover of railways I was particularly taken with the Kilter theatre production.
