Monday, May 24, 2010

lazy sundays

Very good to be able to take advantage of the wonderful end-of-May weather yesterday (27 deg C high apparently?) on a day that didn’t contain lots of “must do” chores. My lazy day started off with breakfast in the garden, followed by some reading (I’m trying some Doris Lessing – “The Cleft”) and then, somewhat bizarrely, by some ironing – again in the garden (a lifetime first for me!)…. a simple lunch and then Moira+I met up with Hannah (Felix is in Singapore) for a lovely long drink and chat in the “Riverstation” overlooking the water. Supper back in the garden (third garden meal of the day), followed by some pottering, Salvador Dali on the television and an early night.
I feel a little guilty because lots of my school mates will have had Reports to write… but hey ho!
Photo: Moira+Hannah at the “Riverstation”.

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