Saturday, May 29, 2010

end of term golf

It was the last day of term yesterday and, to celebrate, good mates Andy+Jake suggested we play golf immediately after school at Farrington Gurney Golf Club (I drive within half a mile of the club twice a day during term time, but had never played there). It was a lovely course and the sun shone and some of us played excellent golf – unfortunately not me (some good stuff, but far too many errant shots)! Great way to finish the week… and it reminded me of those Friday afternoons at Studley Wood with Ken, Steve and Pete (where are they now?!).
As it WAS the last day of term, I obviously had to go into Bristol and meet up with some more school mates and enjoy the odd glass of red…. obviously.
Photo: Jake took this one of me admiring another relaxed, perfect approach shot to the green (in my dreams).

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