Friday, February 19, 2010

more books

You might recall (but probably not!) that I made a vague resolution at the end of August to try to read more over the coming year – after reading some seven books over the summer. Well, thus far, I’ve done a little better than usual. I’ve previously blogged about the following books: The Wasp Factory (Iain Banks), Goodbye Mr Chips (James Hilton), 31 Songs (Nick Hornby), Fugitive Pieces (Anne Michaels) and The Road (Cormac McCarthy) and I’ve now just finished* the following:
Anamcara (John O’Donohue): I just love the way he writes and know that this will be a book I’ll refer to again and again over the coming years.
Ten Things They Never Told Me About Jesus (John L Bell): We’ve been reading this book in our Ithaca group. Very accessible and challenging. John Bell is always very good value.
Letters From An Extreme Pilgrim (Peter Owen Jones): He’s my kind of vicar! Although I could easily finish* this book in a couple of hours, I’m only reading a letter-a-day as part of my Lenten routine/discipline.
The Shipping News (E Annie Proulx): I picked this up at a second-hand book stall and really enjoyed it; beautifully written. Think it’s time I bought the DVD!
The Shack (William P Young): I’m not a great lover of “Christian Fiction” but, despite it’s “american-folksey-schmaltz”(?), actually found it quite thought-provoking.
The fact that four of these five books are vaguely spiritual in content seems a little strange for me – but perhaps it does reflect a little of the way I’m feeling just now (in a self-examination sort of way I suppose – but not in a bad, beat-yourself-up manner!).

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