Saturday, January 09, 2010

nowhere boy

I turned down the opportunity of going to see this film at the Watershed with Alan+Gareth last weekend but, in recognition of a third snowday away from school, I decided to see what I’d missed yesterday afternoon. As someone who had “grown up” with the Beatles since “Love Me Do” was first released in 1963, I was well aware of much of the background to the film but, having previously seen a couple of trailers, they hadn’t filled me any huge enthusiasm to see the film. I have to say that I wasn’t desperately impressed. Inevitably, the film focussed on the Lennon character (played by Aaron Johnson, but not all that convincingly in my view) whereas the real core of the film should perhaps have concentrated on the relationship between the extraordinary sisters: Julia, John’s mother (played by Anne-Marie Duff) and his Aunt Mimi (Kristin Scott Thomas).
But, hey, what do I know!

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