Sunday, December 06, 2009

climate change rally

Went up to London yesterday to take part in the Climate Change rally. Reported numbers vary, but it appears that something like 40,000 people took part. It was really good to feel part of such a passionate group of people campaigning for what is almost certainly the most important single issue in the world today. If I’m honest, given the crucial nature of the Climate Change Conference starting in Copenhagen tomorrow, I was disappointed that London wasn’t overrun by protestors. I came across this quote from Archbishop Desmond Tutu, which seems to sum up much of my own feelings: “No one is immune – rich, poor, developed and developing countries. We are all in this together. I will probably be spared the worst effects of climate change but I worry for our children’s future and for the millions of people who are already being impoverished and displaced”.
PS: great to meet up with friends - and was very amused to bump into Rob+Anna, who were desperately trying to "qualify" their banner slogans by writing additional words... using a 0.3 felt-tip pen!

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