Sunday, December 27, 2009

cheaty bubble+squeak

For me, one of the best meals over the Christmas period is the family lunch on Boxing Day – which, for us, usually follows some form of exercise. This meal essentially comprises cold meats, bubble+squeak plus various pickles/sauces. Now I know that, traditionally, the bubble+squeak should be fried leftover vegetables… with the best bits being the slightly burnt edges. I have to admit that, over recent years, I’ve completely cheated on this. Frying large quantities of vegetables for lots of people has proved somewhat frustrating for yours truly from time to time. It seems to take huge quantities of oil and endless patience and, in order to take get the necessary burnt bits, inevitably produces a smoke-filled kitchen.
So now I simply form the chopped up vegetables into patties, coat with olive oil and bake them in a hot oven. Not quite the same perhaps, but much simpler for large quantities!
Photo: cheaty bubble+squeak.
PS: I’ve just re-read this and it sounds SO pretentious (I promise never to write about cooking ever again)!


  1. And to think I did REAL bubble and squeak in tribute to you! Burnt bits and all. Oh boy, it was great!

  2. Pretentieux? Toi?

    Actually they sound rather tasty.

    Where did you walk? We did a circular walk round the docks, from Baltic Wharf, stopping for the inevitable cuppa by the SS Great Britain. A real tonic after the excesses of the previous two days.
