Saturday, December 19, 2009

… “and to think, we didn’t know any of these people five years ago”

Last night, the cream of our school’s teaching staff invaded the bars and clubs of Bristol. The “event” marked the end of what has seemed like a long, long term. They’re an amazing group of people – committed, professional, incredibly hardworking and, frequently, unsung. They’ve also become lovely friends. Stef and I started work at the school on the same day (and in the same role) and, during the course of last night, we briefly reflected on the fact that, five years ago, we didn’t know a single one of these wonderful people! Life is strange, but often has some really rather lovely surprises…. for which I’m very grateful.
Photo: I don't have a pic of all my friends from school, so here are just three of them (Emma, Helen and Bex)!

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