Sunday, October 11, 2009

my bruvva and le donk

The picture, I hasten to add, is NOT of my lovely brother Alan in drinking mode – it’s Paddy Considine from the film “Le Donk and Scor-Zay-Zee” (read on!….).
Moira+I met up with Alan+Lesley+Megan+Eleanor for breakfast in Cheltenham this morning – in The Montpellier Wine Bar (great friend Helen has already made a comment relating to my consumption of red wine and breakfast!). It was just a perfect start to a Sunday, although it didn’t actually open until 10am, so it was somewhat later than I’m used to! Great to see the other half of the Broadway clan and to hear all about their latest exploits.
Later in the day, I went to see Shane Meadows’s “Le Donk and Scor-Zay-Zee” at the Watershed (Meadows directed “This is England”). The entire film was made in 5 days and takes the form of a fly-on-the-wall documentary – with Considine playing the part of a past-it roadie looking to steal glory from a “talented, unknown rapper”. It’s very entertaining (apart, for me, from the excessive amount of swearing) and sometimes ridiculously funny. The only real downside was one very large member of the Watershed audience, who spent the entire film laughing out loud (as in LOUD!) in a repetitive, whining, “heh-heh-heh” way! Very, very tedious.

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