Wednesday, October 28, 2009

magical birthday memories

I think today marked the formal end of my birthday celebrations (at last, some will say!) and the beginning of Moira’s birthday "festival" (which will go on well beyond next March!). At about 5.30pm this evening, Moira and I were ushered out by the rest of the family on to the beach in the dark. Lanterns were duly lit (secret, homemade ones of course!) and two bottles of champagne were opened to celebrate our 60th birthdays (and, of course, our lovely family holiday), but then a very special thing happened….
Two paper sky lanterns were lit and let off into the sky. At first, it seemed as if the lanterns would simply “crash land” a few metres away but, magically, they both slowly rose into the night sky and sailed off across the sea to the horizon. It was really quite an emotional, almost spiritual, time – we cheered, we waved them goodbye, we sang songs and we watched them disappear into the black sky and traced their paths until the tiny dots of light finally disappeared. What a wonderful, memorable, happy occasion. Just absolutely magical!
We are indeed VERY blessed!
Photos: we were concentrating on the moment rather than taking pics (fortunately Felix took some!).


  1. Sounds just perfect!

  2. Indeed! Another remarkable thing was that, as well as the weather remaining dry, the wind direction was just perfect - taking the lanterns out to sea rather back inland over streets and houses... still feels very special even on the morning after!
