Sunday, October 18, 2009

500 posts (oh good grief!)

I recently noticed that I was getting very close to publishing my 500th blog post.
Well, I’m afraid that this IS my 500th post. How scary is THAT!
I started blogging in October 2006 (I blame Ian Adams!). I knew practically nothing about blogworld and simply thought I’d “give it a try” and see what developed (if anything). Posting the occasional blog has now become second nature. As some of you will know, I tend to post a blog very early in the morning (I know this is very sad, but I’m usually up each morning soon after 5am!) and this, together with checking out facebook stuff, is very much part of my daily routine while enjoy my tea/coffee+toast and focus/reflect on the day ahead. For me:
a) blogging is really a bit of a personal diary. Yes, I know it might seem strange to have a diary that everyone can see – but it provides a link for family and friends who I’m unable to see on a regular basis (eg. family activities and photos).
b) it also provides me with a useful aide memoir for various events (eg. a reminder of what films I’ve seen; games of golf; visits to friends; holiday destinations/memories etc).
c) it provides me with an opportunity to comment on things that are happening in the big wide world (politics; environmental issues; art; music etc).
d) crucially, I think it also provides me with an opportunity to focus on the things that are happening in my life in a positive way (usually!) and perhaps helps me to appreciate my family and friends even more!
I REALLY hope that the blog DOESN’T come across as a vehicle for me to say “hey, look at me… I’ve just done this (or whatever). If it does, I’m really sorry – that’s not the point at all.
PS: Blimey!! I’ve just checked my first ever blog only to discover that TODAY is actually my third blogging birthday!! How weird is that?


  1. and I've read them all!

  2. happy blog-birthday/500th post mate!

    [and you've no need to worry about how you come across btw...!]

  3. I always enjoy reading what you have to say - so keep them coming!
