Monday, August 31, 2009

holiday books

I’ve never been a “big reader”. Moira can consume two novels a week, but my annual consumption (especially over recent years) is very unimpressive by comparison. I resolved to try to plug in some regular reading time during the school holidays and have been relatively successful (for me) in achieving this goal. Over the last five weeks, I’ve managed to get through the following:
Velvet Elvis (Rob Bell): I’ve previously commented on this.
On Chessil Beach (Ian McEwan): I gave this book to Moira as a small anniversary present a couple of years ago and now realise how inappropriate this was (good book though)!!
Carrying the Elephant (Michael Rosen): I’m not really “into” poetry, but found Rosen’s “way with words” really quite inspiring.
The Catcher in the Rye (JD Salinger): I’d previously read this about 40 years ago and love Salinger’s writing style.
A Long Way Down (Nick Hornby): somewhat bizarre (as a concept) but amusing, entertaining and somewhat thought-provoking.
Holes (Louis Sachar): very good “holiday read” (I’ve since been told it was adult's+children’s book – which might explain why I read it so quickly!).
Engleby (Sebastian Faulks): a favourite author of mine; excellent book – absolutely enthralling.
I’m determined to try to read a little more over the coming year… we’ll see!


  1. I am tickled pink that you gave Moira On Chesil Beach as an anniversary present. Still, like everything he writes, it is an inspiring, if anguishing, read. Holes is brilliant. I haven't read any of the others but have always wanted to read Catcher in the Rye and anything by Sebastian Faulks is worthwhile.

    I'm almost finished The Elegance of the Hedgehog on Moira's recommendation and I'm grateful for the tip as it's a beautifully crafted book.

  2. You're very generous about my shortcomings on "On Chesil Beach"... but, hey, it must be a sign of a good marriage if she's still prepared to put up with me despite such errors of judgement!
