Saturday, July 25, 2009

rosa eve low

Ruth+Stu’s second daughter, Rosa Eve, was born at home (as planned) yesterday at around 10am. It all seemed to go incredibly smoothly – with Moira collecting Iris at about 8am – and everyone, thankfully, appearing to be in good health. Great too that it happened to coincide with the last day of term! It was lovely to be able to take Iris round to meet her new sister during the course of the afternoon (and to see her positive reaction to the experience!). Ruth+Stu seemed incredibly relaxed and had clearly enjoyed the home birth. They’d originally arranged to have Hannah+Fee round for a curry supper last night and decided to go ahead as planned – the only difference being that H+F ended up doing the cooking!
Iris stayed with us overnight and has been promised the opportunity to give Rosa her first bath later this morning!

1 comment:

  1. oh it's all sooooo exciting. Such amazing precious moments, how wonderful for you to be there when Iris met Rosa! I CANNOT wait to meet her! x
