Saturday, June 13, 2009

easy rider

Thanks to Fopp, I sat down to watch my £2 DVD of “Easy Rider” last night with Moira+Merry Carol (although they lost interest and went on to read/made bread!). I can distinctly remember “almost” seeing the film, but didn’t actually do so when it first came out in 1969 – although many of the scenes were so familiar that it’s just possible that I did (hey man, like it was the drug-crazed sixties!)! At the time, I can remember feeling very envious of Oxford mate Ted Harris who looked a little like Peter Fonda. I enjoyed seeing the film (at last?) and was already aware of its brutal ending, but I’d forgotten about its wonderful the soundtrack: featuring songs like “The Weight” (Smith), “Wasn’t Born to Follow” (The Byrds), “If 6 was 9” (Jimi Hendrix), “It’s Alright Ma (I’m only Bleeding)” (Roger McGuinn), “The Pusher” and, of course, “Born to be Wild” (Steppenwolf).
Can’t quite believe the film AND the music is 40 years old!

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