Wednesday, May 20, 2009

one and other (the fourth plinth 6 july-14 october)

I’m convinced that I won’t be one of the lucky ones selected for the One and Other project for the Fourth Plinth at Trafalgar Square, so I’ve really not given it much thought thus far. However, having received a facebook message from Holly Race, I’ve been starting to think about the prospect! These are my initial thoughts (incidentally, I just KNOW that, if selected, I’ll get a 3am slot!):
1. I’d love to be on the plinth with lots of my family/buddies, but realise this wouldn’t be allowed. So perhaps I could take a photograph (from front and rear!) of a group of them in advance, get a full-sized version printed, erect the photograph on the plinth using some form of stand and then get a friend to take a group photo of us all on the plinth (from front and rear?) for posterity?
2. Spend the time blowing up lots of balloons (with helium) with some sort of “this balloon was released from the Fourth Plinth, Trafalgar Square as part of the One and Other project”, complete with address labels for “finders” to mail back?
3. Just taking photographs from on top of the plinth of surrounding people (or lack of people?)? It would be a lovely record of a special occasion.
4. Moira said that, if it was her, she’d just “do some knitting or read a book”?
5. Arrange to borrow some 20 or 30 of Antony Gormley’s figures (eg. Crosby Beach figures) to be dragged up on to the Plinth. These would obviously need to be dressed appropriately to mark such a special occasion (and I would clearly have to “dress up” too!)?
6. I’m sure that it will be raining…. so perhaps I would simply lounge in a deckchair for the hour, sheltering under a large umbrella?
7. Just stand there with a placard portraying a suitable message (it could be anything from “free Aung San Suu Kyi” to “happy birthday Hannah”)?
8. Raise money for charity. I work with young people in a comprehensive school – I’m sure pupils would donate money if their names made it on to the Plinth (in the form of a large poster perhaps)?
9. Drinking the health of family and friends (in other words, I’d need at least a case of excellent red wine and would toast them individually in turn for 60 minutes!)?
10. On the basis that I WILL be on the Plinth at 3am, I think it would be only fair to ring up those family members/friends who didn’t make it to Trafalgar Square on my mobile (“hello Alan, I’m standing on the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square and just thought you should know what a wonderful experience it is….”)?
if only......

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you back on form again.

    I'm with Moira, but I like your suggestions of photographing onlookers and phoning your friends - just as long as I'm not one of them if you get that 3 am slot!

    Are you going to submit a video?
