Saturday, May 30, 2009

lunch with ken+debby

Moira+I spent a day in Oxford with lovely American friends Ken+Debby. We had an excellent lunch at Loch Fyne Restaurant in Walton Street. With such glorious weather, we couldn’t resist walking across Port Meadow and relaxing in the garden of the Perch pub (I was once banned from this establishment, probably in 1969, for “standing in front of the fire” - absolutely true!). It was good that their daughter Julia was able to join us at the Perch – she's about go and live in New York.
Photo: Ken, Debby, Julia and Moira. I took two pics and, in each of them, two of the aforementioned were looking the other way/had their eyes closed etc – so I’ve done some very rough cutting and pasting! Apologies!

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