Thursday, April 09, 2009

three colours red

I watched the last part of Kieslowski’s Three Colours trilogy yesterday (only 15 years late!) after raiding Fopp for the “Three Colours Red” dvd. By pure chance, it transpires that I’ve actually watched them in the correct order (blue, white, red) – which was just as well as the final twist of fate reveals the destinies of the characters from all three parts of the trilogy! Early on in the film, I had a sense that things were going to come a sinister conclusion as Valentine (beautifully played by Irene Jacob) was drawn increasingly into what felt like the strange and threatening world of Joseph, a retired judge (again, superbly played by Jean-Louis Tringtignant). In fact, the film is about warmth and friendship and what one film review described as “about the invisible connections that intertwine our lives”. Joseph finally sees the possibilities in playing an active role in shaping the events around him and not being resigned to let fate dictate his lonely existence; Valentine sees that she is not as lonely as she thinks she is, allowing her to let go of her fruitless relationship with Michel.
I think I need to watch it again in order to pick up more of the subtle and playful interconnections. A beautiful film - and I loved the way the colour red was a recurring element throughout.

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