Sunday, April 26, 2009

ten tors training on dartmoor

A very tough, but very enjoyable, training exercise on Dartmoor this weekend.
It was the last chance for the six teams from school to put in their final hours of practice on the moor before the event itself on 9+10 May, carrying with them their heavy rucksacks containing tents, sleeping bags, cooking facilities, provisions, spare clothing etc. Saturday proved to be a very difficult day - but ideal for training purposes. Some of them had never previously experienced poor conditions on the moor, so it was important that they were able to do so before the competition weekend. We had driving rain and hail, high winds and low temperatures for most of Saturday, but the majority of the pupils came through the experience brilliantly. It was especially good to see some of the rather nervous younger team members grow in confidence and self-belief as they perhaps surprised themselves by their abilities to endure such wild weather.
Photo: Nun’s Cross checkpoint at 6.30am this morning (the teams had to set off on Day 2 at 6am AFTER dressing, cooking breakfast, dismantling and packing away tents+equipment!).


  1. Wow, what an inspiring group. I'm glad it went well and that all was safe. I expect you could all do with a real weekend now!

    I love the picture. xxx

  2. alan broadway7:11 am

    for these youngsters think these type of experiences can be 'life-changing.' it all sounds tough; but i'm a bit envious that i never had such opportunity - makes my 18 mile hike when i was in the scouts sound like a 'walk in the park!' congratulations to those taking part...and big thanks should go to you & fellow staff in the 'support group.'

  3. I'm happy to admit that I don't do very much at all! I'm simply a bus driver who is able to ferry people about when required, "man" the odd checkpoint and laugh/chat/encourage the youngsters. You should see what responsibilities the key members take on - it's pretty amazing (they all need to get "mountain leader" qualifications etc)!
    But, yes, I really do think that the event can be life-changing for some of the pupils taking part.
