Sunday, March 29, 2009

earth hour/G20/the age of stupid

I’ve a feeling this could be a pretty long blog, so bear with me….
I didn’t manage to make the G20 march in London yesterday – demanding action on poverty, climate change and jobs ahead of next week’s G20 Summit – but we did turn off our lights for an hour at 8.30pm to mark “Earth Hour”. Earth Hour is “designed to inspire one billion people worldwide to demonstrate their concern about climate change, ensuring that world leaders take positive action for the future”.
I’ve just re-read a couple of blogs I wrote last on climate change stuff in the light of global recession. For instance, this extract (27 September):
I fear that this concentration on the “global slowdown” will result in eyes being taken away from the Climate Change agenda. It therefore seemed somewhat ironic to pass the Lloyds TSB building in Bristol last night with ALL its lights on!
and this (15 October):
To my mind, the really frightening thing as far as world poverty is concerned is that we will all try to bury our heads in the sand and adopt entirely selfish attitudes - at the expense of the world community and the “greater good”.
I’m no economist, but this letter in last Saturday’s Guardian (from Bill North) echoed my own, perhaps somewhat naive, sentiments: “We have blamed the free market and the fat cats. What about the assumption that the economy can and should go on growing at 2% for ever? How is this possible in a world of finite resources? What about peak oil and climate change? Maybe the recession will give economists time for some really radical rethinking”
In keeping with this green agenda, Moira+I went to see “The Age of Stupid” at the Watershed yesterday afternoon. We both found it a very impressive film (as the director of Climate Chaos said: “it’s not a film to make you happy. It’s a film to make you sit back and ask ‘what is my role on this planet?’”) and we both came out seriously asking ourselves what more could we be doing…. and have started to come up with some vague ideas (will we REALLY do this?).
You really must see the film yourself (and check-out the website).
PS: I’m DEFINITELY going to the demonstration in London on 5 December (in advance of the UN Climate Talks in Copenhagen)!
PPS: By pure chance, I’ve just noticed that this is my 400th blog. Blimey (get a life?)!

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