Sunday, February 22, 2009

thame weekend

Moira+I spent a great weekend with lovely old friends Bob+Christine in Thame (where we used to live before moving to Bristol). The weather was ideal (sunny+mild) and on Saturday we had a wonderful walk through the woods skirting Swincombe village before “retiring” to the Five Horseshoes pub (Maidengrove, near Henley-on-Thames) for an excellent lunch. We had a very relaxing time – and spent the entire time just eating, drinking and talking. Went along to one of the services at our old church (St Mary’s, Thame) this morning and it was lovely to meet up with so many old friends. We felt very humbled by the amazing welcome we received. We’ve known Bob+Christine for nearly 35 years (from our days when we all lived in East Oxford and subsequently followed them to Thame) and, although we hadn’t got together for nearly two years, it was as though we’d never spent much time apart.
Bob+Christine are very special people and very special friends.
Photo: Christine+Moira+Bob on the woodland walk.

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