Tuesday, February 03, 2009

birthday bash

I was “persuaded” by other family members that I needed to have a party to celebrate my 60th birthday. I have to admit that I felt very uncomfortable by the prospect and, having reluctantly agreed to it, really just wanted to get the whole thing over and done with.
In the event, of course, I had a lovely time (I even had my first ever helium birthday balloon!)(thanks
Heather!) and it was great to see so many familiar faces – many of whom had travelled quite lengthy distances. Moira+Ruth+Hannah did a brilliant job sorting out wonderful food, flowers and stuff….. and the birthday festival will continue when Alice comes down to Bristol in about three weeks time!
Photo: Rookery Road Junior School football team, season 1959-1960 (I’m the one sitting in the middle with the ball) - the photograph was used for the party invitation…. sorry, I didn’t take any photographs of the party itself – probably a wise move!
PS: Chris+Lal gave me a CD they’d compiled of music from 1949 and, somewhat frighteningly, I can remember over half of them!
PPS: in order to keep numbers down, it was a shame not to have been able to invite any of my lovely school friends to this prestigious occasion…. although we might just drink the odd glass together at tomorrow night’s the Bristol Self-Help Group meeting!
PPPS: didn't realise until today that Buddy Holly died on my 10th birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Well I for one am grateful that you were persuaded by your family. You should know by now that they're always right!

    Happy Birthday Steve!
