Saturday, January 17, 2009

slum dog millionaire and fire alarms

Gareth+Alan+Moira+I went to the Watershed again this afternoon to see Danny Boyle’s wonderful “Slum Dog Millionaire”. Just brilliant! Some pretty harrowing bits, but also some amazing (sometimes pretty sordid) colourful images of India.
Incredibly, the fire alarm went off about ten seconds before the final kiss (listen, I’m not giving anything away here – afterall, the publicity blurb talks about it being the “feel-good film of the decade”!). At the time, we didn’t actually know it was quite so close to the end and so we all had to exit the cinema (in an orderly fashion of course!). After all the suspense of the film, the fire alarm interruption was somewhat surreal. Most people re-entered the cinema after the “all clear” – by which time the audience seemed to have inherited a great sense of camaraderie (“we’ve been through this experience together chaps”) and immediately burst into applause when the final kiss was eventually planted! Actually, there’s a great dance sequence on the platform of the railway station at the end, so we were very pleased to have stayed on for that.
Lovely film - definitely a “must see”!

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