Monday, January 26, 2009

burns supper

Our lovely Scottish friends Alan+Gareth (Gareth was actually born in India but her parents were Scots!) invited Merry-Carol+Gerry+Moira+I round for a wonderful meal to celebrate RB’s 250th birthday last night. We had the whole works: cock-a-leekie-soup, “haggis warm reeking, rich wi’ champit tatties and mashed neeps” and cranachan plus the Selkirk grace, some poems (fortunately, we didn’t do speeches!) and the odd glass of whisky!
Pity today is Monday and a school day!
PS: Had a lovely weekend in Oxford with our old friends John+Caroline. Even managed to attend a presentation on building plans for their church in Summertown (and realised that I’d been a member of the original building committee – some 35 years ago! Blimey!).

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I am always surprised by how much I like haggis and how I should eat it more often ... and then suddently it's Burns Night again and I haven't.

    Is there an English equivalent celebration? And if not, isn't it time someone invented one?
