Sunday, January 11, 2009

bed day

As those you who know me will be aware, I’m normally not one for staying in bed in the morning (understatement!). The last time I can actually recall spending any daytime in bed was a few years ago after I’d been following detox instructions from a friend (I can remember being violently sick after only a couple of caffeine-free days and a liquid diet – no red wine I hasten to add - which included starting the day drinking two litres of water. Never again!). Well, I’ve been feeling pretty rough over the Christmas/New Year period with a heavy cold so, having de-camped to Bedroom 2, decided to remain in bed yesterday and, amazingly, did so until late afternoon. I managed to read some of my books (“Surprised by Hope” by Tom Wright and Michael Palin’s “Dairies 1969-1979”) plus “The Guardian” from cover to cover. I wasn’t feeling ill, but in a strange way (and it rather pains me to admit this), I really rather enjoyed it!


  1. Sorry to hear you've been 'laid low'. It must have been the shock of having to work a full 5 days on your first week back. Being a part timer I managed to escape with no more than a sniffle, and even that may have more to do with the two pickled chillis and spicy meatballs I ate at Caffe Sazz last night. If you haven't been I would highly recommend it (once you have managed to get out of bed that is)!

  2. ah dad that sounds so perfect! Can't believe you've had 2 lie ins in 2009 already!!!!!
