Monday, December 01, 2008

quick questions?

As you’ll already know if you read my last blog, we’ve got another exhibition in the number40 basement this weekend. For the first time (I think), we haven’t asked the featured artists to answer a questionnaire of slightly strange questions to go along with their words of wisdom describing what they’re currently doing and/or the work featured in the exhibition. We ran out of time and ended up not bothering.
Actually, the real reason was that it takes time to think up the questions in the first place!
So, dear reader, in order to avoid the same thing happening for our next exhibition in May, we’d be REALLY grateful to receive your suggestions – they could ultra-serious or just rather silly (or both).
Very much look forward to hearing from you (note: our questionnaires normally run to say 10 questions – but even one good new question would be helpful!).
PS: I’ll be out of commission for the next few days – I’m off to the Forest of Dean with a large group of Year 8 pupils!


  1. Starter for 10:
    Ready steady go.

    Marmite - love it or loathe it?
    Your perfect breakfast.
    Your favourite walk.
    The most embarassing item of clothing you've ever worn.
    The funniest joke you've ever heard - or can remember?
    Your favourite childhood sweet.
    The junk food you most crave.
    If you could change one part of your body ...?
    If you were elected prime minister what is the first thing you would do?
    Describe yourself in three words.
    What makes you cry?
    The most memorable piece of art you have ever seen.

  2. Wonderful!
    Question 10: crying: "Daddy, my Daddy" in the Railway Children - everytime!....
    I was talking in some depth to a Year 10 girl today school. Over the past couple of years, I've produced a "questionnaire" (not serious) for pupils to fill in, if appropriate, in order to try and find a little more about what makes them tick (long story). I asked her to come up with some suggested questions of her own (as mine is pretty old hat these days!). She thought about it and said: "what would you like to be just for one day?". When I asked her what her response would be she said "well, either invisible or dead"! Somewhat taken aback, I asked her why she would want to be dead for a day?
    I thought her answer was very interesting: "to see how much people would miss me".
    Profound? Sad? Definitely thought-provoking!
