Sunday, October 05, 2008

saturday breakfast at the spike island café

Moira+I decided to miss the Private View of Richard Long’s exhibition at Spike Island on Friday night. Instead, we decided to have breakfast at the Spike Island café the following morning, read the newspaper and then see the exhibition when it opened at 11am (Moira even checked on the website to make sure the café would be open).
In the event, of course (and you knew this because I’m writing about it!), it was closed and so we walked down the road and went to the café at the SS Great Britain instead – except that they didn’t actually DO breakfast (all we wanted was something like scrambled egg on toast!).
We did at least manage to see the exhibition and, although we were impressed by the two major pieces, we were both a little disappointed that there weren’t more of his textworks (see photo extract).
PS: on a completely different note, Bristol’s “Evening Post” has adopted our lovely friend Gareth’s blog as a daily column in their esteemed(?) newspaper as part of Bristol’s Zero Waste Challenge Week. Look out for her name in the New Year Honour’s List!

1 comment:

  1. I hope not, as I'd only have to turn it down!
