Wednesday, October 08, 2008

sarah palin v the polar bear

Yes, I know that the world is in a financial mess but, as some say, “there’s more to life than money”….
You will be aware that Sir David Attenborough has expressed grave concerns about the future of the polar bear in the light of global warming threats, but it seems that Sarah Palin has checked this out and reckons the bears aren’t under threat afterall.
Thank goodness! What would we do without her?
In May this year, as Governor of Alaska, she indicated that the State would sue the US Government to stop the listing of the polar bear as a threatened species – arguing that the designation would slow development in the State. She thinks that the listing is unwarranted and that (in the words the Alaska Assistant Attorney General) it was “unprecedented to list a currently healthy population based on uncertain climate models”.
You MUST read Tim Dowling’s wonderful article from The Guardian dated 2 October, entitled: “Sarah Palin v the polar bear – who will survive?”
To my mind, the article says it all!

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