Sunday, September 07, 2008

happy birthday jennie!

Moira+I travelled up to Nottingham in the pouring rain yesterday to help celebrate Jennie’s 60th birthday. Lovely to meet up with old friends again. Jennie and her wonderful, gifted musical/theatrical family were in great form. Roy Bailey (folk legend!) was also there as a guest (we mix in the very highest company you know!). Jennie’s mother, Sheila, died early this year and Roy sang “Cobweb of Dreams” at her funeral. The Heap family now regard this as their very special “family song” and Roy+the Heap children put together a CD as a special extra birthday present for her…. tears were duly shed! I actually had Roy’s original recording of it (on cassette!) with his wife Val on his “Business as Usual” album from 1994. Great words:

"I have been searching through the timeless past
Because of you, my love, because of you
Weaving a cobweb that will hold you fast
Because of you my love, because of you.

Oh sing again the song I heard you singing
The song that set the bells of Heaven ringing.
The song that surely told me
The grave could never hold me
Because of you, my love, because of you.

And now I know that love's a fragile flower
Because of you my love, because of you
So little time between the sun and showers
Because of you, my love, because of you.

Only by singing can I soothe my sorrow
Because of you, my love, because of you.
Today is gone, but there is always tomorrow
Because of you, my love, because of you".


  1. Congratulations. You have won an award. See my blog for details!

  2. Anonymous5:55 am

    post again soon dad - i miss you!

  3. Pol email: funnyguise @ msn . com2:00 pm

    your blog is the only reference to what I guess is Cobweb of Dreams.
    I"ve heard a duo perform this on a mixed tape of an ex-girlfriend's mom's but can't find any reference to it among their "official" recordings (the Silly Sisters).
    Do you know who wrote the song?

  4. Apparently, it was written by Leon Rosselson - who, according to Google, is a song-writer guitarist!
