Tuesday, August 26, 2008

greenbelt celebrity status?

As you probably appreciate, you need to have achieved iconic status in order to get your photograph on to the front covers of such magazines as “Vanity Fair”, “Time Magazine” and “Vogue”. Well, I had a phone call from great friend Ian during the course of the Greenbelt weekend (he was there too with friends from mayBe) to indicate that I’d almost scaled similar heights!! He’d posted a photo of me (taken when we’d be walking though fields of corn in Devon and few weeks earlier) on the “Here Comes the Sun” section of the Greenbelt website and it was subsequently chosen for the front cover of “The 2008 Church Times Guide to Greenbelt” magazine. Amazingly, no one’s yet recognised me from the photo and I’ve not been asked for a single autograph.
I think it’s just a matter of time….


  1. wow...that is famous! Great to see you two at the weekend. Had a great time. Hope to see you again soon. xxx

  2. Fame, fame, fatal fame / It can play hideous tricks with the brain ;)
