Tuesday, August 19, 2008


It happens every time. I love the Olympics!
I get thoroughly wrapped up and pretty emotional by the stories it throws up. I think I’d be one of those people on the winner’s podium (if only!) that would just bawl my eyes out! It’s been brilliant that the GB team has been so successful (in terms of medals) but I’m always amazed at the dedication, determination, sacrifices and sheer guts of the participants – and not just the winners. I’ve been mesmerised by the cycling, sailing and rowing in particular. Listening to the humility of one of the Canadian rowers who won gold this week after failing to win by just 0.08 seconds in Athens in 2004 (I remember how generous he was in defeat then); the Chinese 110m hurdling hero who had to drop out of the event through injury without even jumping a single hurdle; and, again in the rowing, imagining the emotions of people like Katherine Grainger who picked up a silver medal for the third successive Olympic Games.
As an early riser, I’ve also loved waking up to follow the latest sailing news and the like over breakfast.
As a cyclist myself(!), as you can imagine, I’m now obviously tempted to buy a lycra cycling suit and one of those pointy helmets, but have decided to stick to jeans+t-shirts – at least for the time being.
PS: I even loved the Opening Ceremony (especially the drummers) and was amused at one person’s suggestion for the London equivalent in 2012 – something about a fleet of penny-farthing bikes, a few pearly kings+queens plus a collection of cockney “chiminey” sweeps singing songs from Mary Poppins!

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