Monday, June 02, 2008

beach walking

Moira+I set off early yesterday morning and drove down to the tiny hamlet of Seatown in Dorset. Our plans were somewhat scuppered however when we arrived to find the only car park didn’t open until 9am! So we had to drive on to Charmouth instead. It was lovely – we walked east along the beach for about 3 hours before returning to eat our sandwiches. The weather was fine (if a little misty) and we hardly saw a soul until about midday. We were aware that there had been some massive landslips along that section of coastline but were amazed at how extensive this had been. At one stage, as we walked under one the highest sections of cliff, we heard an incredibly loud “crack” and were convinced that another portion of cliff-face was about to tumble down on top of us.
But, fortunately, it never did!
Photo: part of the changing (cliff-)face of the Dorset coastline – we left with the strong feeling that the serious erosion would continue over the coming months.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you and Moira made it to the seaside this holiday. I made do with the back yard which I had tidied up (well, a bit of it!) but it felt good to be eating outdoors for the first time this year.
