Sunday, May 25, 2008

more great friends, big houses+big gardens!

For the second weekend running, we’ve been partying with more lovely friends who own huge houses and rather large gardens! This time we visited Phil+Heather in Long Crendon, Oxfordshire to celebrate Tom’s 21st birthday (Heather used to live just a few doors away from us when we were in Thame and we seemed to spend much of our time drinking red wine+laughing together – and still do whenever we can!). I can remember my father being absolutely bowled over by Long Crendon – he regarded it is as the quintessential English village – and he would be even more impressed to know that we actually had friends who lived there! Their beautiful “back garden” was some 200m long with views into the distance.
Ours doesn’t quite compare (5m long x 6m wide), but hey, who’s counting?
Photo: just a small part of Phil+Heather’s beautiful garden.


  1. For what it's worth I think your patio garden is delightful. Extensive gardens are all very well but demand much atention - and expense. One thing I have learned from holidays in Greece and St Ives in particular, is that it's not the size of the space you have, but what you do with it. So, when the rain eases off sufficiently, I shall be out in our back yard giving it a makeover for the summer.

  2. Actually Gareth, I totally agree! I love our garden and regard it as the "room outside" throughout the summer... and, as Moira will tell you, I'm one of those gardeners who enjoys sitting in the garden rather than actually gardening!
    PS: but I do still miss sitting out under the huge magnolia tree we had in garden of our house in Thame!

  3. Magnolia trees are one of my favourites. There was magnificent one in the garden of a house in South Street which I admired every time I passed it. Then one day it was gone - felled in favour of a gazebo! Quelle horreur!
