Monday, May 19, 2008

big red party

Attended Richard+Sarah’s “big red party” to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary yesterday. It was a very special occasion and made even better because it was held in their new home - some 12 miles from Welshpool in the middle of glorious Welsh countryside (with absolutely stunning views across an incredibly green valley and layers of distant hills!). The setting is wonderful and the house is something of an architectural masterpiece (combining a refurbished/converted cottage, the remains of Listed barn and beautiful, elegant new extensions) and filled with countless pieces of Richard+Sarah’s lovely art, their extensive library of books and their wonderful knack for getting everything to look just “right”.
It was the perfect house a big party and the party was just perfect too!
(and a great opportunity to meet up with old friends).
Photo: as you might guess from the picture, the only party rule was that you had to wear something red!

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